Robert Vavra is universally recognized as the world's premier
photographs of horses. He is the author of over thirty books in
ten languages. Robert Vavra's work has moved the mighty and
the masses. Most of his books have never gone out of print and
comprise over 2,000,000 books in existence.
Peter Ustinov called him "an alchemist with his camera". Ernest
Hemingway was his friend: Princess Grace of Monaco, Yehudi
Menuhin, Ustinov, Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, William
Shatner and James Michener wrote his forewords. Michener
says there is no better photographer. The book they did together, IBERIA, was more
than a year on the NEW YORK TIMES best-seller list.
Vavra has been the subject of over fifty one-man shows in the United States and
Europe. His work may be found in the collections of The Yale University Art Gallery,
King Juan Carlos of Spain, Candice Bergen, Mike Nichols, Bo Derek, The Sports
Illustrated Library, Jane Goodall, Leni Riefenstahl, Prince Rainier and Princess
Caroline of Monaco, William Shatner, Michael Keaton, Paul Theroux, King Constantine
of Greece, Peter Beard, Robert Redford, Mrs. Martin Luther King, James Stewart, The
King Ranch, Norman Mailer, Charlton Heston, and the Ernest Hemingway Estate.
Vavra, who is an associate of the International Institute of Photographic Authors,
spends his time between his ranch near Seville, Spain, and his camp in the Kenyan